Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Robert's Soccer So Far... -posted by katie

Robert has begun playing soccer here in Denver and, as always, is the "best on his team." (And yes, of course, BECAUSE HE'S MY BROTHER!). But really, he is really good. The team name is the Eagles. He's played like seven or six games. We leave for Florida in a week so he's sad that he'll be missing the last month of games... But he does want to go to FL :) Anyway, I got pictures of the first, third, fourth, fifth, and sixth games. I don't have the pics yet from the sixth game so you will see those later, but here are the other pics. Enjoy!

FIRST GAME They tied: 2-2

The Eagles prepare.
Getting a little reading in before the game. I think that's The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman--really good book by the way :)
The opposing team. I think they were Jewish... The Eagles is a Christian team and plays other Christian Schools (Eagles itself is for homeschooled students).
Patricia is obsessed with taking pictures of, of all things, feet.

THIRD GAME I think they won this game like 4-2 or something like thatRobert plays defense and he is faster than every kid I've seen try to get past him.
The subs on his team.
The ball and I.
Robert running.

I like how that Eagles team member is in mid-air.
Nice kick.

Check out that header! I think this was a goal...
Smile! I bet you did... :)

Knitting is popular right now since it's starting to get chilly (a little). Patricia and Elizabeth have gotten into crochet as well.
Getting ready for a big kick.
Eric, Robert's friend and a guy who goes to our church, is the goalie. I feel sort of bad for him, especially when there are PKs! (penalty kicks, where one person on the opposing team gets a straight and really close up shot on the goal and it's just the goalie trying to block it).
Defense gets ready.

Mary and I played a bit of rummy during half time.

FOURTH GAME I think the won like 5-0 this game (they haven't lost a game yet).

Robert takes a look at the field.
The three defenders.
Race time.

Nice kicking form.

Mom and Dad--I really like this picture, I think it's cute.

Beautiful, man.

And they run off the field, victorious! Since they are victorious, I get a smile from the defense star.

FIFTH GAME This was a totally awesome game and the best game we've watched (being the most exciting). They won 6-2 but in the beginning the other team had two goals and we had none. It was a totally cool game. The teams were just about even, but the other team got upset and thrown off balance when we made like three goals in a row, and sort of lost it.

Eric does a lovely kick.
Jacob, Robert's fellow defender.
Who will get it!
I think the ball is coming fast... (that one guy is getting ready to head it, looks like).
Robert does his duty.

It's been a lot of fun watching Robert's games. Adios for now!


Michelle said...

Hi Katie!
Great pictures. Have fun in FL!
Tell everyone "hello" from the Smith's!

The Stone Family Band said...

*haha* Love that pic of the volley ball. I keep thinking "WILSON!!!" :D
Love ya and SO hope to see you when y'all come to FL!!!! YAYAYAYAYAYA!!!
<3 y'all!