Thursday, April 1, 2010


Boy, what can I say but I'm sorry for not posting in so long. Working for HR Block has kept me on my toes :) But in a good sort of way. I am doing major posting today and hopefully tomorrow so hold onto your hats!

Our cousins the Mendhiems came on their annual trip from Ohio to ski on our "big" hills. We all piled in the car and drove to Breckenridge for a couple days! What fun that was. Thank you, Mendheims!

All of us Cochran ladies, quite thrilled to be there!
Uncle Eric and dear Danielle in their ski garb.
Our amazing cousin, Joe, totally rocks on a snowboard! You go, man!
The skiers themselves! None of us Cochran girls participated, but Robert did snowboard.
The Mendheim family! Expert skiers all :)
Sam, Jessie, Danielle, and Uncle Eric.
Sam showing us how to ski through the woods!
More fun in the sun.
Wow... The scenery was incredible.
Nights were spent watching movies or playing many a game. Outside our hotel window was a lovely, Narniash little lamp post that looked good enough to eat.
Sunset in the Rockies...
SunRISE in the Rockies! Joe and Robert actually went up there!
Patricia's art, no doubt.
Eating yummy hamburgers on a cloudless day! E and I compete to see who can take the BIGGEST bite! I think I won!
Jessie and Patricia showing us their eating skills.
The guys and D right after having done a big ski/snowboard run. Uncle Eric is taking a picture at the same time, apparently!
Truly God's works are marvelous...
Our condo/hotel!

In which E snowboards like a champ... *cough* Well this picture looks pretty sweet! One day Aunt Anne let Ellie just use her snowboard on the little hills and Joe was sweet enough to teach some lessons.
The art of snowboard dancing :)
"Swing your partner round and round..."
Fixing a boot. Yay for Elizabeth taking the chance to learn something new!
A rather corny picture of all nine cousins! What a group we are. I try desperately to instigate some semblance of order but usually fail. I am actually learning to let everyone just be CRAZY-and if I can be convinced by Ellie or D, join in with them :) Life is too short to not have a blast SOMETIMES!
Some sort of modeling attempt. Back to the drawing board(s)!! Especially you, D. You look positively ill! *wink*
Get ready for some STRANGE hats. Those little shops had some amazing collections of head-wear--enjoy! Here Mary, Trish, and Jessie show us some gangster looks...
Now we all know what Jessie will look like when she's OLD!
Sweet, P, sweet...
Our court jester!
I go for Princess while Mary goes for Star Trek!
Uh Jessie, you in there?
Ah yes Trish, you look just like a manikin. Good show.
A sweet dog we found in a shop. He had only three legs! He seemed OK with it though.
Mary and Joe--buds.
And I leave you with a picture of Ellie and Jessie.

What fun that trip was. Thanks again Mendheims for a loverly time!

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