Thursday, December 24, 2009

Rockin'Around the Christmas Tree!

It's always an eventful event to set up our Christmas tree! This year was no different :) I think we got the tree at King Sooper's, and there it is!

Victory--we have a tree!
Bare--but not for long!
My pal Mary and I.
Robert (hidden) and Ellie trying to get it straight (no easy task).
"A little more to the left... no--your other left!"
Mary and Patricia trying to scare you away from our blog--don't be fooled into doing it.
A little art by yours truly :)
Tall tall tree.

Posing with the poinsettias.
Going through the Christmas boxes (of which there are many).
A little more art I thought of!
And here's a painting by Ellie that I think is pretty.
Admiring the glass deer.
Silly P.

Rely on Mary to think of artistic ideas!
That looks--painful.
Uh-oh--having some trouble getting it off now??
Patricia's skilled hands.

Nice shot.
Ellie always wanted to be an Indian princess.
I always wanted to be Santa.
My sisters' idea--promise!
Jolly Mom handing out ornaments to decorate the tree with!
Patricia Hope.
Mary Wisdom.
Elizabeth Joy.
Cozily Decorating.
Check out the size of that poinsettia plant!
"Rockin around the Christmas tree!!"
Odd shot.

"Away in a manger...."
Mary uses her mad skills to get around the tree.
"Mary my dear, I am sure you've put on enough..."
Check out Dad's shoe!
We always do a star tree--it's lovely!
Katherine Grace.
Dad was sore at me for taking pictures of him (he was just getting over being rather ill).
But I didn't care :)
Five for one and one for all!
What is so fun about silly pictures? Do people actually ENJOY looking ridiculous? Go figure.
The finished product! Sorry it's a little blurry--we had just received the new camera, and were still figuring out how to use it.
After decorating the tree, we had a bit of singing! Nothing like Christmas carols...
Watering the tree! An important aspect of owning a live tree :)
More tunes with Robbie and Ellie :)
Dad acting quite shy! What a shock :)

Stay tuned--more coming in a couple minutes! I WILL catch up before tomorrow!

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