Monday, November 30, 2009

Giving THANKS -by katie

Turkey, mashed potatoes, sitting around a LARGE table (especially if you have a large family!), thanking God for all our blessings, and as we discussed, all our trials as well--what could be better!!? Not much :) This Thanksgiving was, in a word, AWESOME. I really felt the presence of God and got to know my dear family members and friends better than I had before. It's so incredible how we are bound together in the fellowship that Jesus Christ bought with his precious blood. Wow.

Anyway, enjoy the myriad of pictures! I posted every one :) It was our seven people, plus the W family (6) plus Uncle Mike (uh, 1), plus Josh S (his family was out of town). Making a total 15! I pray your Thanksgiving was as great as ours.

The main reason Thanksgiving is looked forward to by so many guys--FOOD.
And wine :) Well OK, bubbly!
Someone didn't wait around.
Check out that BONE.
OK so where are the people you say? (and I did NOT take this pic--Mary our little artsy did).
My dear friend Felicia W and I!
Here I am, undoubtedly saying something important LOL.
The twinsies :)
Val and Ellie--two of my best girlfriends ever!! Love you gals :)
The men discuss deep dark subjects as Nick tries not to fall asleep (we did warn him about eating too much!!).
Val and Ellie both daydreaming :) What were you dreamin, ladies?
Dear UM telling another of his fantabulous stories--complete with hand motions :)
Now he is telling something important (glasses add an effect).
Mary got bored during the pilgrim review *wink*
Jake W and Josh--lookin swell guys!
Matching outfits on twins--how original.
Womanfolk in the kitchen! As you can see, Jake (far right) attempted to be in the pic, but to no avail. Remember, you can click on the pics to make them bigger (if you want to see if that's a knife my mom's waving around).
A lovely shot of Robert in the bathroom--who took this?
This cheesecake was SO GOOD. We go, Fia!!
I think Jake the tall one took this--my how he's grown! Look how he towers over everyone!!
The best cheesecake (in my opinion) beginning to disappear. Cranberry!!
In which Uncle Mike grows a mustache (that's really someone's head!), Patricia sucks her thumb, and I mind my own business amongst the madness.
Josh, Val, and I having an invigorating discussion on atheism and why there is pain in the world. LOVED it! I am so thankful to have friends who enjoy DEBATE :)
Val expounds as I listen respectfully.
She must have said something funny :)
I have no comment for this one.
Ooooh-sweet picture, bro! You gonna kill those ladies *lol* :)
Ellie's eyes and Patricia's head--lovely!!
Uncle Mike poses for us, beside his favorite puzzle (he hates puzzles).
Smiles over dessert!!
Dad and Nick W.
After dessert it was time to break out the music! Robert and Josh lead us in some praise songs--it was a great time (this was after the 3 hour Bible study!!). Good times.
Robert has gotten quite good at guitar!
UM and Nick show us their pearly whites.
NOW I know why someone left that bathroom light on! To create cool lighting! And I thought it was just carelessness.... *wink*
Goodbyes are being said about now, and P and I take comfort in each other :)
Ellie and Fia sharing a little chat.
In which Jake amuses us by attempting to serenade.
"Jake, I know this is tough to hear, but.... *cough*"
Nick and Josh.
Blurry goodbye picture.
Another blurry goodbye picture of Nick and I. Just FYI, we got our new camera (of course) the day AFTER Thanksgiving, and this was Dad's (which isn't very good) so for the decoration of the tree (next post) the pictures will be better/clearer!

God bless, and be thankful, in the good times and in the bad!

1 comment:

Anna Grace said...

Happy Thanksgiving Familyyyyyy!!!
Love you guys, it looked AWESOME! I really, really, REALLY want to visit sometime soon! :D We'll see what the Lord does. :)
God bless!
Anna :)