Sunday, March 29, 2009

Christmas Day!! In, um, April...

What a fine Christmas we had in Centennial, CO. Praising the Lord for a lovely house! It's good to remember how wonderful that day was... Christmastime is my very favorite part of the year :)

First we opened stockings first thing (at around 8, we have no little kids in our family anymore who want to do everything at 6 am!).

Looks like Rob got an authentic, uh, wooden pencil. Go Rob.

Mary, smart girl, goes right for the food.
A shot of the gang. Yes, I was in my PJs too, but sorry, no pics of that!! :)
Elizabeth with her goods.
Dad begged for caulk in his stocking so we bought some at Wal-Mart and put it in. He was thrilled! *totally joking* When he got caulk in his stocking you'd have thought he got a pack of switches or something... But he put on a smile anyway (no matter how corny it was).
Then, it was breakfast time! An artsy shot by Mary, I think.
Uncle Mike graced us with his presence for most of the day (arriving around breakfast time like the brilliant guy he is). Waffles--yum!
Smiles all around.
Another artsy shot (I never think of taking these--don't know who took this one).
Two last shots of the breakfast table.

Then it was time to open gifts!
UM REALLY likes popcorn. Especially when it's "Smartfood Popcorn"!
Looks like Robert knows what he's about to open... Now I know what that creaking was on Christmas Eve night! *wink*
Media wars (Katie with Camera VS Robert with Video).
Cute Mama!
Matching shirts :)
I don't think he knows that we blog like every picture we take...
Mary, speechless after getting a guitar from UM. :)
Night in the Museum; a pretty funny movie.
Ear muffs!
Mom and her, um, unique candlesticks from Dad *gulp*

The twinsies got matching Love shirts!

Two hams.
Kung Fu Panda! Oh Yeah, we all loved this gift...
I got a CD called "Falling Rain" or something like that... Very relaxing.
UM also really likes BBQ sauce. Boy, we got him a lot of food!
Elizabeth Joy.
Dad opens a scarf long prepared by Mary (she knit it).
Tired out with all the opening of gifts, the papa takes a nap.
While the twins school Uncle Mike in rummy. Poor fellow, get a load of his face.
That night dinner was so awesome. Mashed sweet potato and delicious seasoned chicken! Go Ellie!

Well, it was a great Christmas. I hope I didn't weird anybody out TOO much posting Christmas so late! God bless...

1 comment:

Emily Swanky said...

I'm so enjoying your "seasonal-out-of-season" posts, Katie!
Looks like y'all have been having (or had? :D) a good time
Can't wait to see y'all!