Saturday, April 18, 2009

Sledding in March -posted by katie

Well, I had prayed for snow on Christmas, but God saw fit to wait until my birthday to give it to me! Yep, it snowed on my BD, March 27th, and we all got to go sledding! What a good God we have :)

The crew. You can click on the pic to make it bigger. We had over a foot of snow--it was so much fun!
The crew 2.
Elizabeth takes a spin down the hill. The hill really wasn't that tall, but hey, it was awesome!
Trish and I swoosh down. Love this pic.
Hello Ellie!
Our friends' little girl, Ali, came with us. She and Ellie went down a lot together.
The twins returning with the best sled: the inflatable tube. Man those things just skim over the ground.
All smiles! It was so bright out... (notice how we all have sunglasses on).
Robert with the gals.
The guys.
Had a tumble?
Mom and Elizabeth.
That is how blue the sky was. Gorgeous...
Robert decided to do some sunbathing.
Mom actually went down in the tube! Go Mom!
Upward shot.
Mary Wisdom.
Tumble at the end of the line :)
Mary's method was to go down on top of people. Hey, whatever works, right?
This is after that last shot. Good photography, Mom (she was our photographer).

For the record, never buy that kind of sled. They are so SLOW. But Mary was a good sport.
Elizabeth Joy.
Ellie and Ali climbing back up for another ride.
Robert prepares for the downhill.
A far shot of Dad, Trish, and I.
Ali got thirsty and so ate some snow (we had no water).
Flying !

I don't know, but I feel so happy being out in the snow and sunshine. I am just sad my body gets so tired so soon from climbing up that hill again and again, or I'd stay out all day... One day in heaven, I will be able to enjoy snow all day without getting tired! Can't wait!

God bless.

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